60% of the Netherlands is vulnerable to flooding

Many people were caught unprepared — while some hadn’t heard of the warning,
others chose to ignore it. Among the people who did get the news about the storm,
about 72,000 people were evacuated.

The total estimated damage due to the flood was around 1.5 billion guilders, which is equivalent to around €5.4 billion today.

The disaster claimed the lives of 1,836 people and tens of thousands of animals, and many homes were destroyed.

In the Netherlands, approximately 100,000 people were evacuated, 340,000 acres were flooded,
47,300 buildings were damaged, 30,000 livestock were killed, and 1,836 lives were lost.

According to the Dutch government, current defenses are adequate up to 2050.

The last 30 years of flood defense work in the Netherlands allowed it to deal with just 40 more centimeters of sea level rise.

One thing is for sure; we are dependent on whether global climate policy succeeds or fails and whether it yields results.

We will create a fake documentary trailer using fact and fiction news and images about a flood in Rotterdam.
We imagine an alternative future where Delta Program fails. 

• We will take on a quirky and ignorant take on a climate change-related flood.
• The trailer: A reporter follows up on a story about the inevitable flood in
Rotterdam and talks to locals and scientists.
The possible disappearance of the Netherlands is happening.
And it is happening NOW. Not 2100 or 2400.
The government is trying to warn the public but for some, it is easier to ignore the facts. And for some…
They rely on social media to create awareness.
Scene: We hear and see the videos from the 1953 flood. 

Scene: Zoom in on an archive video and fill up the screen with testimonials and indie movie companies.

Scene: We see the preparations and building of the Delta Program and we hear the voice of the interviewed scientist.

Scene: Getting acquainted with the reporter telling about what is going on.

Scene: The reporter asks the scientist about the flood in The Netherlands' history.

*Scene: Scientist talking about it.

Scene: Person asks: Only flood I know is on Twitter

Scene: We see people sitting in the building. All of a sudden a huge impact sound is heard. Everyone starts to panic and run. (This is the scene we talked about with the camera tilt. Blaak 2.05)

Scene: An infographic appears on the screen showing how the flood affected the Netherlands. 

Scene: We see “the reporter” next to the water. The reporter looks at the camera and water and speaks. DUMMY CONVERSATION: 1953 will not be the last flood the Netherlands faced. The other one is coming. We do not know the date or the time, but we know it is going to happen. Not later, but soon. 

Scene: The Netherlands starts the Delta program: real footage, newspaper, team, etc. 

Scene: A scientist appears on the screen making comments and talking about the success of the story. 

Scene: We see “the reporter” with a scientist from Delta Program. (his / her / their name writes on the screen with graphics) CONVERSATION: What happened to Delta Program? Why it is not going to save the people of the Netherlands?

Scene: The scientist gives a striking answer. We see the scientist with a concerned face. 

Scene: News articles appear on the screen one by one about the Delta program and its failed story. We see the first one, then another one, and another one. (fake news about current climate change and flood)

Scene: Social media comments appear on the screen some of them are zoomed in. (fake news about current climate change and flood)

Scene: The camera zooms in on the reporter as the reporter continues to speak: Delta program has failed. But humanity has no part in it. There is only one responsible, and that is climate change. 

Scene: The reporter hands a mic to a person and asks: What do you think about climate change?

Scene: The person answers: I do not believe in change. 

Scene: Water level rising videos etc, TikTok dances. 

Scene: Person asks: Only flood I know is on Twitter

Scene: The reporter with one of the TikTok influencers starting the awareness campaign for the flood. The reporter asks questions.
Scene: The influencer speaks to the screen and makes TikTok dance. The reporter also tries to join but can not do the figures fully.

Scene: The reporter is in a place where people hold signs saying “we embrace water” etc. 
Asks people about the flood. The reporter asks a question to one of the people holding a sign. hey are from a cult and they believe that the water will cleanse all our sins. 

Scene: The person gives an answer accordingly. 

Scene: We see current images and footage from Rotterdam and the seaside. The reporter’s voice is heard in the background describing the current situation.

Scene: The reporter is in a park. We see people running behind the reporter. The reporter makes a comment about people running away from the city. 

Scene: The reporter catches up with one of the runners and asks: how does it feel to leave everything behind and run?

Scene: The runner answers “I do not run away from my problem, I RUN TO THEM!” and keeps running in the opposite direction from the people trying to escape

Scene: Reporter: Rotterdam is terrified, people are on the streets without a purpose and nowhere to go. (we see people panicking, some have lifejackets, some have seabeds and sea balls with them, weird shit maybe, running with googles, swimwear on top of clothes, etc) 

Scene: The reporter wears a life jacket. The is in the supermarket and has a shopping cart and keeps putting toilet paper in it etc. 

Scene: Keeps speaking: Delta Program has failed and the scientists have no backup plan. People will have to find creative solutions. Some already started to build their own boathouses.

Scene: We see a boathouse and the reporter goes next to the person living there and asks: How long did it take you to prepare for the flood?

Scene: House owner: What flood?

Scene: The reporter: It is not easy to accept this news. Some people choose denial, but it will not save anyone from the flood. 

Scene: We zoom out from the reporter slowly. Far away we see a wave coming closer and closer

Scene: We can do the screen when the connection goes bad which is basically saying all went to hell. 
Rebeka Baji, Denzel Balois, Ruby Bar Ner, Leda Cacic, Melda Ennekavi Simsek